Promoting a Simple, Low-Budget Church Planting Movement!

Our launching Strategy?
"10-10-10" "Ten -Ten- atTEN-ding"
Our Vision is to establish regional clusters of 10 Simple/House Churches, of more than 10 people, A-10-ding to each other!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

H4H is About Real Meaningful Caring Relationships- Anytime, Anywhere, Everywhere!

Are you tired of "going to church" talking about the weather, not really connecting with anyone, not ministering to your world? Imagine a gathering of people who do more than just smile and ask, "how are you?", or say "Nice day out there!"one day a week. We gather with friends, people interested in our lives outside of church. People who take time, make time, to care, discuss the scriptures, pray, and reaching out to others for Christ. Who Actually want not just the mercy of God, but his mission as well.

If you long to connect with others over mission. H4H is about doing life together, not just church. Not one hour, but life lived in community, and out in the community. It's all about relationships. Here is a good video that exemplifies a goal of H4H groups.
What to give it a try?

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Ecclesiastes 11:6

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."

Church Outside The Walls

$29:99 4 part DVD Series To Order this Come to Our Home and Watch it for Free. 1. The Dropouts 2. How Did We Get This Way? 3. How Did We Get This Way? Part 2 4. Where Do We Go From Here?