Promoting a Simple, Low-Budget Church Planting Movement!

Our launching Strategy?
"10-10-10" "Ten -Ten- atTEN-ding"
Our Vision is to establish regional clusters of 10 Simple/House Churches, of more than 10 people, A-10-ding to each other!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

H4H Fellowship Finances

1) H4H fellowships will have an abundance of finances for ministry. With no church building, or paid minister (80% of most churches funds go to these expenses) you will find you can disperse a large among of your funds to ministry and people needs.

The day is coming when we will simply give to the Lord and expect nothing back on tax day. We are not opposed to taking advantage of this charity tax break. However, the day may come very soon when the disadvantages of being a "registered" nonprofit religious organization will outweigh the advantages. We feel that a "Charity Tax Number" is simply not necessary for each H4H fellowship. The application is now a complicated matter and will actually interferes with groups multiplying quickly. But apply if you wish. H4H groups have great freedom and flexibility to meet the needs they wish, without the mounting annual paper work, not to mention the now two year application process.

Accountability is the key.
Simply open a joint account for your specific H4H fellowship group and require three signatures to access the funds. Do not be concerned over a Charity Tax receipt. Simply take the amount you normally give and decrease it a little to compensate for the tax loss, if you must.

Each H4H group in the network is free to make a group decision for themselves of how to assure accountability of finances.

However, the key is don't hoard money EVER. This is such a monumental shift in thinking for most people, especially those coming form traditional churches.
Give away as much as you can to miniseries, people in need, community projects that honor Christ, mission projects, support H4H conferences, and training events, Pay travel expenses for H4H leaders to come to your group and speak with you, or help you with issues,

Suggestions of how to use offering:

Help poor families with heating, electricity or groceries.
Repair a needy persons house in the community,
repair a widow's car.
Help a single mom with some expenses, or hire her a baby sitter and invite her over to a fellowship night to give her a break.
Support a missionary or overseas project.
Collaborate with others groups or all groups in the network and pool resources for a Larger mission project.
Dig a water well for a needy Village.
Buy a cow for a poor African family.
Buy small group DVD's or books to use for studies.
Send your kids to Youth Conferences, and mission events "postage paid".
Buy special gifts for mission children. Support a family in the third world.
Go on a short-term mission trip.
Rent a bus to take you group to a Christian event.
Support a ministry student.
Support your Local Bible College
Rent a room for a combined service with other H4H groups,
Rent the pool for the who H4H group.
Pay for your Groups leaders to attend training programs
Support your H4H Network, the annual conference, www Site expenses to promote H4H,
Pay for travel expenses for H4H Traveling Coordinators to come and encourage your group.
It takes some people serious serious time to keep this network going. Your support will help the work to continue, and multiply.

Reach a consenses as a group. But Please! Some of you, you are just so difficult, please take off your "Traditional Church" way of using money and give liberally. Every incidence in the NT where money is discussed in the context of the Church, is in meeting needs of people.

Giving generously to the needs of people all around your community opens doors for the group to grow and multiply. People will beging to talk about you all over the place. They will never have seen such a small group doing so much to help people before. They will be impressed and Jesus will get the glory he deserves. But give it in Jesus Name!

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Ecclesiastes 11:6

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."

Church Outside The Walls

$29:99 4 part DVD Series To Order this Come to Our Home and Watch it for Free. 1. The Dropouts 2. How Did We Get This Way? 3. How Did We Get This Way? Part 2 4. Where Do We Go From Here?