Promoting a Simple, Low-Budget Church Planting Movement!

Our launching Strategy?
"10-10-10" "Ten -Ten- atTEN-ding"
Our Vision is to establish regional clusters of 10 Simple/House Churches, of more than 10 people, A-10-ding to each other!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Do I begin a Group?

Remember we are back to basics. Keeping church simple and uncomplicated. Just begin, and link up with others doing the same thing.
Here is a video clip to help you get started.

Book: (THE CHURCH IN THE HOUSE: A Return to Simplicity, Robert Fitts (To request your copy, please contact Robert at the following address: Robert Fitts 76-6309 Haku Place, Kona, HI 96740) (Check the books side bar to read the book online for free)
Robert Fitts outlines 16 things to do to start a House Church. TO START A CHURCH IN A HOUSE.

1) Pray and Get Others to Pray. Get others to pray with you. Find someone who sees the vision and pray with them for God's direction as to how to proceed. 2) Connect the work – To teachers and Ministers. The apostles sent Barnabas along later to help give it encouragement and strength. 3) Have a simple meal with communion at the end. 4) Start Small: "Where two or three have gathered together in my name... Matt. 18:20 5) Be active in several House Churches. 6) Be free to meet whenever and wherever. 7) Do not make up a membership list. For the reasons cited above, do not make some people members and some nonmembers. They will never be your sheep anyhow. They all belong to Jesus if they have been born again. If they have not, then you will have the high privilege of leading them to the Lord. Until then, they are as welcome to attend our meetings as anyone. 8) Receive all who come. Some will come to your house church who are formal members of another fellowship. ......We are not trying to dislodge anyone from anything the Lord is telling them to do. But neither will we tell them they cannot come to our meetings. We must receive all who come to us just as every other church in town should receive all who come to their meetings. 9) Do not write a constitution and by-laws. The New Testament is our constitution and by-laws. It is totally sufficient. We need not formulate some other document to give us direction as a church. The day is coming when we will simply give to the Lord and expect nothing back on tax day. We are not against taking advantage of this tax break. Use it if the Lord gives you peace about it. The day may come when the disadvantages of being a "registered" nonprofit religious organization will outweigh the advantages. 10) Don't throw rocks at the "Traditional Church". We are a part of the traditional church because we are a part of the citywide church. The problems of the church are our problems because we are the church. 11) Meet Regularly. 12) Don't be afraid to call it church. Throughout the New Testament we find many words that are used in place of the word "church," such as disciples, saints, assembly, believers, etc. There will be times that we will call our meetings church and at other times we will call them fellowship, gatherings, assemblies. But when we gather in Jesus' name, we know it is the church which is his Body. 13) Submit to Spiritual Authority & Accountability. (Elders Etc) 14) Use Discussion Bible Study (The Priesthood of the Believers) 15) Plan and Pray for a "Church Split." 16) Embrace the Citywide Church.

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Ecclesiastes 11:6

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."

Church Outside The Walls

$29:99 4 part DVD Series To Order this Come to Our Home and Watch it for Free. 1. The Dropouts 2. How Did We Get This Way? 3. How Did We Get This Way? Part 2 4. Where Do We Go From Here?