Promoting a Simple, Low-Budget Church Planting Movement!

Our launching Strategy?
"10-10-10" "Ten -Ten- atTEN-ding"
Our Vision is to establish regional clusters of 10 Simple/House Churches, of more than 10 people, A-10-ding to each other!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Who Can Join H4H?

The New Testament shares and amazing fact. Ordinary families spreading the gospel of Jesus.

"Forced to leave home base, the Christians all became missionaries. Wherever they were scattered, they preached the Message about Jesus." Acts 8:4 (TMSG)

e have profesionalized service to Christ so much that we have forgotten that WE ordinary believers have a function. We practice the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9), where each participant has a ministry. Each member serves as a bridge between God and man, through service to the saints, and the world. God chose the ordinary things to shame the wise. 1 Cor 1:27-28

H4H seeks:
To Join H4H you will need to be secure in your biblical understanding of Church. Some of you may have a difficult time viewing a H4H concept fellowship as being "real" church. Others will have a hang up over the "size" of the fellowships (10-20). But Jesus said: "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20. Where two or three or single people or families gather, Jesus enters in, in a special way.

First, you need to sense H4H as a Way of doing your Service/mission.

Convinced that this is how God wants YOU to disciple others. Don't jump on H4H because it seems like the latest cool new "Church growth fad", or you hope to "give it a try" for a few months. Attend an existing H4H group if you want to try it out. As a Family have many discussions and prayer times before you make the move (include the older kids). As a Student or Single person, discuss this with a friend to partner with you. Put a piece of paper on the wall and list the possible pro's and con's of using this model as your ministry for the kingdom. Can you really buy into this as mission, as church?

Second, your motivation for Entering H4H is critical.

Disgruntled people are naturally drawn to these "freeing" H4H ministry concepts. However, they desperately lack the character, integrity, and doctrinal substance to see H4H through, for very long.

If you wish to begin a H4H fellowship because you are;
A. Bitter about your existing church,
B. You simply want to do church "your own way",
C. You wish to have an isolated group doing it's own thing, accountable to no one for practice or teaching but you,
D. Your a charismatic person and feel you have the "hottest gifts and insight " to offer people for you know how to do church "right", with more "spirituality", more "correctly".
Don't join H4H! God simply will not honor such motivations and studies show that people or groups that have these motivations will die within two years.
You will discourage and injure many people, consume precious kingdom time as we are left trying to fix YOUR mess.

So why exactly are you drawn to H4H, and for how long?
How do you envision the H4H concept helping you further the kingdom of God?

Third, you need to be connected with others in the Movement.

Are you ready to meet with other H4H fellowships, attend the annual H4H conference?
Having a sense that we are a part of something larger than ourselves is critical to survival, and effectiveness. People who see this as an opportunity to connect more deeply with Christ and other people through hospitality and worship in their home.
Let your home become a light among your relational network.

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Ecclesiastes 11:6

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."

Church Outside The Walls

$29:99 4 part DVD Series To Order this Come to Our Home and Watch it for Free. 1. The Dropouts 2. How Did We Get This Way? 3. How Did We Get This Way? Part 2 4. Where Do We Go From Here?