Promoting a Simple, Low-Budget Church Planting Movement!

Our launching Strategy?
"10-10-10" "Ten -Ten- atTEN-ding"
Our Vision is to establish regional clusters of 10 Simple/House Churches, of more than 10 people, A-10-ding to each other!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home- A Natural Place To Begin

Why not start at home?

The natural place for relationships is home. We bring our friends and our extended family into our home. Our neighbors relate to us as a local household. From the home we touch school kids, adults at work, and all ages in our community sports programs.

When, in our homes, we teach and live for Jesus Christ home becomes a place where our children are discipled to connect with God and reach out to the world. As a family, we can pray for our friends and neighbors. We can invite those that we have been reaching out to, to come in to our process and learn right along with us. They can then duplicate the process in their home and with those they are connected with.

It just sounds so natural. Why do we have to complicate it all by separating ourselves into same age clusters or by gender? I read in the Bible about whole households coming to Christ, and I realize that that rarely happens now. I realize that we have changed our focus from home centered to institutional centered.

Who will dare to change the focus?

Who will start at home?

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Ecclesiastes 11:6

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."

Church Outside The Walls

$29:99 4 part DVD Series To Order this Come to Our Home and Watch it for Free. 1. The Dropouts 2. How Did We Get This Way? 3. How Did We Get This Way? Part 2 4. Where Do We Go From Here?